Be warned - Excel '95 contains a dangerous virus!
If you follow the steps below it will be activated

Never try this out - neither at home, nor at work - and warn other users!

  • Open Excel for Windows 95 with a blank worksheet

  • Scroll down to row 95

  • Click on the number 95 to select the whole row.

  • Press Tab once to move to column B

  • Select the Menu Help / About Microsoft Excel

  • Hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift and click on the Tech Support button

  • A window labeled "Hall of Tortured Souls" appears.

  • Directly ahead of you are stairs with a scrolling cast of Excel programmers-go up and take a look around - use cursor keys to navigate-DOOM style.

  • But there's more! Turn around and go back down the stairs, walk up to checkerboard wall and type 'excelkfa'

  • The wall disappears, and there's a winding path to navigate to see terrible pictures